Application for USERN Prize 2022

1/2/2022 6:58:58 AM

As the last six years have gone by, the USERN Prize festival has managed to gather thousands of devoted, young and bright minds from all over the world. Scientists who aim to broaden the horizons of different fields of science send their applications and their novel projects undergo a 3-step evaluation process by our advisory board, a group consisting of the world's top 1% scientists. 
This scientific competition takes place in five fields; formal, physical and chemical, medical and social sciences. The laureates, who will be announced on November 10th, the Wold Science Day for Peace and Development, shall have privileges as listed below:
• 5,000$ award for Promoting Advancement of Scientific Knowledge in a responsible manner to address human needs and aspirations
• USERN Prize statuettes presented along with USERN Medal
• Special USERN gift
• Free registration to all scientific and social events during the Congress
• Prize Laureates will be offered Honorary Advisory Board membership of USERN, for 3 years, according to the USERN Statute
The 7th USERN Prize festival has just begun! Starting from today till June 1st, the opportunity of being engaged in a worldwide scientific competition exists. If you happen to be a young enthusiastic scientist or you know anyone meeting the criteria, please feel free to apply through the link!

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