IFPPP is Back For The Fifth Year

10/24/2019 5:27:14 PM

With The Heartfelt Support from the Primo, and for the fifth year in row, the International Festival for Pediatric Patients Paintings (IFPPP) officially started on Oct 11th three days after the International Children’s Day and right after National Children’s Week in Iran. Selected artworks from 5th IFPPP will be exhibited in more than 40 countries worldwide.


International Festival for Pediatric Patients Paintings (IFPPP) is now a brand following the HEART’s name everywhere. Whether it’s the second International Village of Games and Art, the first Story Telling Festival, or an art exhibition, the IFPPP painting are always somewhere around the corner, embellishing the walls or stands, or dazzling in between cubes on taxidermized animals. 

This year’s celebration began with the week-long 2nd International Village of Games and Art that was main-sponsored by the Primo/ Morocolor, an international in the production of watercolor, poster paint, finger paint, acrylic paint, oil paint, textile paint and wax crayons with a special focus on children’s products. Chief executives of the Messbar Co. which is a distributor of writing instruments, hobby/creative products and educational tools and Primo’s exclusive distributor in Iran, worked tirelessly with HEART to creative specially designed gifts from painting material for all the young artists, laureates of the 5th IFPPP festival. 

 The event was also held and partly sponsored by the Jam Center, a shopping center located at north-eastern Tehran where families and children stopped by shopping, while enjoying the painting stands, handicraft booths, learning gardening, and enjoy the rhymes of live streamed music every now and then. The final day of the busy week (Oct 10 - Mehr 18) and right after the National Children’s Week in Iran, top young Iranian artists, whose works had been recognized among top 100 painting of the festival, joined the HEART team to celebrate the opening of the 5th IFPPP in Tehran. Live performances by children programs TV host, Fatemeh Amini (Khaleh Goli), Amoo Farshad and Amoo Milad, and celebrities attending; Shabnam Moghadami and Arya Azimi Nejad, and last but not least, performance by two young members of the HEART band, Mani and Sanaz, were highlights of the event. 

International Students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences were active members of the HEART team during the busy week at Jam Center. The host treated the top young artists and their parents with a gala dinner, while the "Naghshim", a business initiative based on paintings and children’s handicraft, gifted them with T-shirts and badges printed with their own artwork. Besides the beautiful decorations and festivities covered by Primo during the whole week, all kids went home with a full bundle of painting material from the one and only Primo.

Gruelling for HEART and lucky for the kids, the events continued with a celebration of the World’s Mental Health Week in the Haftchenar's Museum of Wildlife and Natural Monuments in Beryanak area in Tehran. "Radio HEART" the new addition to the musical festivities of HEART took over the event by live performances and storytelling sessions. This time, Tehran Municipality sponsored the 1st Children’s Story Telling Festival that ran for 4 days, in the chilling afternoons of Beryanak during Oct 12-16 (Mehr 20-24). 

Turkey, Armenia, South Africa, Romania, Helsinki-Finland; and Ahamd Abad-India, are a few of 40 cities/countries hosting exhibitions of the 5th IFPPP. Thanks to USERN Junior Ambassadors and USERN Offices worldwide, HEART is receiving daily photos of new exhibitions. The closing ceremony of the festival will be held on Nov 8, on the side of the 4th USERN Congress and Prize Festival, in Budapest, Hungary. 


By Farzaneh Rahmani

Read More About the Events in Farsi: 

About the Previous IFPPP (1st-4th) and the 1st International Village of Games and Art

http://bit.ly/2Wab4NL & http://bit.ly/2JjqqKO

http://bit.ly/32NDf7G & http://bit.ly/2p0y9GJ & http://bit.ly/2W96L5g      

Do Not Miss On The Top 100 Artwork: 








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