Nowruz, A Time To Celebrate Hope

3/12/2020 11:07:46 PM

A new spring is upon us, with all the birds and blossoms and beauty, and yet with lots of reasons not to feast! We are invited to practice social distancing, avoid meetings and cancel every outdoor activity altogether. We are required to celebrate Nowruz from where we are and call the loved ones, in lieu of the large family visits that we are used to. What makes the situation even more special is that there is no precise speculation on when this might all end?

The springtime however, is sneaking its way in, as joyful and colorful as ever. The spring is loud and musical, despite everything that calls for silence and morbidity, and in full of hope and promise, despite all the uncertainties and doubts.  

We as well, have decided to choose to hope and choose to believe in what the future is about to bring and in all the promises and resolution for the New Year! We believe in our plans for 1399/2020 and we are in motion to make them come true. The USERN Congress and Prize Festival 2020 executive committee is already making plans for the upcoming events in Teheran, Shiraz, Isfahan, and perhaps many more cities and we are inviting you to help us find the best speakers to invite from all over the world! We choose to be like the spring and make the best of our down time, to grow, bloom and come back strong and determined.

Join us in our determination, and celebrate Nowruz with us from where you are, with joy and prosperity and more importantly with hope, just like spring!


Nima Rezaei, USERN President

Nowruz 1399

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