The 6th International USERN Congress

11/21/2021 5:36:58 PM

The 6th International USERN Congress has been officially started on November 6th, 2021.

This year’s congress was held in three main parts, eight days of scientific webinars, three days of in-person programs in Tehran, and three days of in-person program in Istanbul.

Regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic and due to the global health protocols, the program of the congress has been designed in a hybrid model (synchronized virtual and in-person program). The majority of the limited in-person attendees were the invited speakers, junior talk volunteers, and the organizing committee, while two separate lines of live streaming hosted the participants.

In Tehran, at the opening ceremony, we hosted six main speakers who officially started the first part of the 2021 congress. Prof. Nima Rezaei, professor of clinical immunology and founding president of USERN, Prof. Moslem Bahadori, emeritus professor of pathology, Prof. Mohammad Hossein Ayati, vice-dean of international affairs of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Prof. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar, professor of endodontics, Prof. Farshad Allameh, professor of gastroenterology/hepatology and vice-dean of education of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and Prof. Bahram Mobasher, professor of astronomy from the University of California, Riverside, were the keynote lecturers of the first part of the congress. The final round of miniature talk, the debate competition, oral/poster presentations, and in-person Meet-the-Expert sessions were the other programs from November 6th to 9th.

We hosted about 100 lecturers of expert researchers and top 1% scientists presenting their talks as invited lectures in the congress scientific webinars, from November 6th to 13th. Also, four sessions of virtual Meet-the-Expert sessions and seven virtual workshops were held in this part.

In Istanbul, Turkey, the 6th International USERN Prize Festival and the 7th International Festival of Paintings for Pediatric Patients were held on November 10th. The USERN prize is annually bestowed to young scientists in appreciation and recognition of their outstanding contribution to science without borders. This years' laureates were selected among the 10000 nominated young scientists. These nominees were evaluated by members of the USERN advisory board who all are among the top 1% scientists. Moreover, oral presentations, laureates’ talks, and the closing ceremony of the congress were held on November 11th and 12th.

In the last section of the closing ceremony, Oman was selected as the host of the 7th International USERN Congress and Prize Awarding Festival and also the host of the 8th International Festival of Paintings for Pediatric Patients (IFPPP).

So, join us in Oman, 2022!

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