USERN MTalk, represent your novel scientific ideas in a speech contest

5/1/2021 2:29:11 AM

USERN MTalk, where you can proudly embrace your scientific ideas! 

USERN miniature talk, also known as MTalk is a showcase for presenting short and powerful scientific speeches for 6 minutes or less. In 2016, MTalk was launched for the first time, and hopefully this year it’s going to be held for its 3rd time. MTalk might be about all scientific disciplines including, theoretical sciences (Mathematics and Computer), Physics sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Engineering), Environmental Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences; so you won’t be having any limitations in choosing your topic from molecular medicine to the giant galaxies of astronomy. MTalk aims to spread novel and surprising ideas that the audiences have never heard about or to give you the chance to freely presenting your scientific research or ideas. This might be identical to some other scientific speaking contexts, but MTalk has its own unique characteristics making it the first initiative that not only gives chances to young people to present their brilliant ideas but also having concurrent art performances during and between the speeches. You can listen to a great idea while an artist is producing his/her painting, handicraft, or even calligraphy. In the short period between any two speeches, you can enjoy a live musical performance. 
What are you waiting for? Join us! 
Wait there’s another surprise, this year we have made the contest for both national and international levels. The Contest consists of the following 4 rounds: 
1-First round: you should only submit the abstract of your idea no later than May,15th 2021. Then your abstracts will be reviewed by our expert judges. 
2- Second round: We will announce the accepted abstracts and give you enough time to make yourself ready to present your speech in front of our judges. ( for international participants it’s online and for national participants, it’s based on the COVID-19 conditions) 
3- Third round: The winners of the 2nd round are the ones who perform in this round. The speeches will be evaluated by our experts either nationally or internationally. All participants of this round will get verified certificates. 
4- Finals: The winners of the 3rd round are the ones who are going to take part in presenting a talk theatre in the final stage either in the USERN2021 Congress or the USERN Annual Ceremony. The announcement of the finalists will be in this round. 
What are the awards? 
Travel grants will be given to the finalists. 

What are you waiting for? join us! 
The deadline for the abstract submission is May, 15th 2021
Registration Links: 
1- For scientific speeches:

2- For Art performance:

For more information please contact us via one of the below methods: 
1- Email:
2- Instagram: mtalk_usern
3- Telegram chanal:@USERN_mTalk

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