USERN Proudly Represents Its First English Research Week

6/15/2021 12:43:05 AM

USERN Proudly Represents Its First “English Research Week” 

In collaboration with USERN Junior Ambassadors (UJAs)

COVID-19 has shown us that scientific research might be the only key for some complex, unexpected problems we face! 
You might be wondering about how to conduct scientific research? When and where to start?
What do scientists usually do to create efficient scientific literature? 
All you need is just with us! 

1- Scientific Writing workshop
Held on  July 11th, 2021 

In this workshop, you will learn: 
- What is scientific research? 
- How to formulate research questions? 
- What are the steps for conducting scientific research? 
- How to start your way to scientific research? 
- How to write an outstanding scientific article? 
- Taking your scientific writing skills to the next level. 

2- Journal Selection and Paper Submission workshop 
Held on July 13th, 2021 

In this workshop, you will learn: 
- How to find suitable journals for your publication?
- How to write an effective cover letter? 
- How to write an effective rebuttal letter? 
- Key considerations before submitting your publication.

3- Publishing Books with International Publishers workshop
Held on July 15th, 2021 

In this workshop, you will learn: 
- Who are the well-known International book publishers? 
- How to select appropriate book titles?
- How to prepare book proposals?
- How to effectively collaborate with book publishers? 
- Your way to publishing a scientific book from A to Z. 

Who's the lecturer of these captivating workshops? 
Prof. Nima Rezaei, one of the well-known immunologists and the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network founder, aka USERN. 
Prof. Nima Rezaei is one of the top 1% scientists in the world with more than 1000 scientific publications. 
According to Scopus, it is also worth mentioning that Prof. Nima Rezaei is one of the top 10 authors who responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

What are our registration fees? 
1- Individual registration fees: for a single workshop, 20 USD 
2- Individual registration fees: for the whole package, 50 USD instead of 60 USD
3- Group registration fees: a special offer is given for groups of 3 people or more; you can pay for 2 single workshops and get the third one free!

What are you waiting for? 

Registration deadline: July 7th, 2021

Register now on

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