USERN Research Internship

3/3/2022 10:19:19 PM

USERN Research Internship

Keeping pace with an accelerated world; as the world changes, science does too. Scientific skills are crucial to enjoy and benefit from science development. To support the acquisition of scientific skills, this year, USERN offers interested junior scholars the "USERN Research Internship" program. After the successful experience of research mentorship following the USERN 2019 Summer Event, in 2022, a 10-12-month research mentorship program is designed to host a limited number of talented junior researchers.

In this program, different workshops, journal clubs, and progress report meetings are scheduled for research interns. During the 10-12-month period, each intern draft an article from A to Z, from title selection to submission and acceptance, with direct advice from a mentor.

At the end of the internship program, according to evaluations, a top intern will be selected and awarded by the supporter of the USERN Research Internship, Springer publisher. Also, Universal Accreditation System (UAS) credits (more information about UAS: will be granted to the interns who successfully pass the Internship program. In addition, according to the evaluations, the best interns will have the opportunity to contribute to the book chapters.

For more information and registration, please head to the link below: 

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