Will AI save the humanity?

1/28/2021 3:41:57 PM

Will AI save our humanity?
About ten years ago, a significant discovery in artificial intelligence was made by three American scientists and was introduced as deep training. Deep training is a technology that can capture a huge amount of data within a single domain and be trained to predict or decide with superhuman precision. For example, if we show a large volume of food photos to a Deep Training Network, it can detect food. Or if we show it sensory data and a lot of pictures and videos of driving on the highway, it can drive like a human on the highway. 
What really matters is the quality of the product, the speed, and the data, and that's where China comes into play. They increase the quality of their products with the speed of light. They make similar samples of American products and have accelerated changes. For example, if you go to China, you will see no cash or credit card because what we all know as mobile payments have become a reality in China. Last year, $ 18.8 trillion was spent on mobile transactions. And that's because of the powerful technology behind it. This is even greater than China's gross domestic product. Seven hundred million people use this technology. Ultimately, the Chinese market is a huge market that provides more customers, revenue, and investment and offers entrepreneurs a chance to gather a large amount of information, becoming the fuel for artificial intelligence jet engines. As a result, Chinese artificial intelligence companies have made great strides, and today they are the most valuable companies in the field. So with America at the forefront of exploration and China at the forefront of application, we're in for a wonderful day when the dual engines of two superpowers work together to form the fastest technology revolution we've ever seen as human beings, and that's the wealth. It brings in a whopping $ 16 trillion, according to PWC.
It will also have challenges such as job replacement. Artificial intelligence will replace people on the production line. Jobs such as answering the phone and customer service, even as robots in factories, drivers of heavy and light cars, and radiologists. In the next 15 years, many professions will gradually be replaced by artificial intelligence, and only creative jobs will be protected. Because artificial intelligence can optimize, but it can't innovate.
 Artificial intelligence excludes ordinary jobs, but ordinary jobs do not mean our existence; the reason for our existence is love. Humans can uniquely seal and receive the data, and this is our distinction with artificial intelligence.
So how do we, as human beings, differentiate ourselves in the age of artificial intelligence? These are things that are beyond the power of artificial intelligence. Well, now that artificial intelligence is destroying ordinary things, don't you think we will need a lot of social workers to help us with this transition, to provide health care to more people? You don't believe we need more teachers to show your children that they will survive in this new and evolving world. Shouldn't we turn loving work into jobs so that the companionship of the elderly and home education can be turned into jobs? 
AI will come and destroy ordinary things, and at the right time, we will be grateful. Artificial intelligence will be an excellent tool for creators; Artists, musicians, athletes, writers, etc., can become more creative. Artificial intelligence works with them as an analytical tool, and humans can have the warmth of love through the love-centered jobs around them. We can always differentiate ourselves with individual tasks and capabilities that are both emotional and creative by establishing an irreplaceable balance between the heart and the brain.
And then we have what we need: a plan for the simultaneous existence of man and AI. Artificial intelligence is a blessing in disguise; it is here that it frees us from ordinary things and comes to remind us of what makes us humans. So let's embrace AI and love each other.
By: Shookofeh Beyranvand

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