
Nobel Laureate Abel Laureate Advisory Board Member USERN President USERN Policy Making Council USERN Manager USERN Deputy Junior Ambassador

Major: Clinical Medicine

Doctor of Medicine (Iran University of Medical Sciences 2014-2021)
  • Graduated 5 December 2021 / Internship from 21 Jun 2020 to 7 Oct 2021
Primary & Secondary School
(Tehran Farzanegan1- National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (Sampad))
  • finished both middle & high school in the number one branch of Tehran Farzanegan school for gifted & talented children, administered under the national organization for the development of exceptional talents.
  • Won the best science fair project in biology for “using roasted Lentin in whitening of teeth” (1st-year primary school)
  • Won the best science fair project in 3d Max animation project (3rd-year primary school)
Clinical experiences
  • Took a course on clinical applications of EEG/ERP and designing treatment protocols
  • started my Internship with the call out for students to help the healthcare system at the start of the pandemic and served in the COVID ward
Research Experience
  • Hands-on experience & Observer ship as Research Assistant in basic sciences lab and the neuroscience research center from the 3rd semester where I helped graduate and Ph.D. students with lab work e.g. frozen section, water maze, etc.
  • Active as theVice Chancellor for research in the international department of IUMS in 2017
  • MD Thesison the “Echocardiographic findings comparing CABG with and without mitral valve annuloplasty in the treatment of moderate ischemic mitral valve regurgitation”
  • Graduated from USERN (Universal Scientific Education and Research Network)Research Internship:10 month internship on basic research and scientific writing from March to December 2022
  • Forthcoming narrative review “ NLRP3 Pathway in Development and Treatment of Depression(under review)
  • Programming: have experience in QBasic & C++ language programming and am currently learning python 
  • MRI and fMRI data analysis in Freesurfer(certificate from National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML) Issued Jun 2023 Credential ID 288-7240447497)
  • Neuroscience Data Processing with Deep Learning Techniques Based on python (certificate from National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML) Issued Jun 2023 Credential ID 997-4217888948)
  • Exploring the Human Connectome Project Database (certificate from National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML)National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML) Issued Jul 2023 Credential ID 555-2582533313)
  • Languages: fluent in English and Persian
  • Won the Best Team and the Best Debater at the 5th International USERN congress 2020 on the subject of Nature vs Nurture and was invited back as a Mentor for the 6th USERN debate on the COVID vaccination
  •    Co-founded Medcinema where we showed medical-related movies and invited experts to review and discuss the related medical matters
  •  Post-COVID Medical Education:


  • Volunteered to teach “Basic Health practices and Hygiene” to underprivileged children in school (Organized by Eltiam Charity in May 2015) 
Hobbies & Interests
  • I am also passionately interested in neuroscience, especially neuroplasticity, brain-machine interface, artificial intelligence, and machine learning,  and study them personally.
  • I absolutely love art and do drawings I also play music with a traditional instrument called santoor
  • I enjoy playing sports enormously and have a blue belt in taekwondo



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